Yes the bicycle has been used in countless movies and is considered a simple gadget, yet many people around the globe lived with it, travel with it and make a living with it.
Here are just a few reactions the supposedly death of a bicycle picture above generated.
EricaHastings says:That's fantastic! Much better than drawing flowers round dog poo. | |
marphot says:That was someone with a heart! | |
livhouse, the paronomeister™ says:... just as long as it wasn't someone with a scrap metal business and a bad sense of humour! | |
lkurnarsky says:Hi, I'm an admin for a group called MAGIC IN THE MUNDANE, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. | |
kerilu* says:hehe. very nice :) | |
yvoluna says:Definitely a fave | |
MyArt101 says:awesome | |
diamonddog1 says:Can he draw a wanted poster? | |
Rustybuckets says:That's so cool. | |
carlisledecorator says:yea its so fasinating. | |
Pelipe says::) | |
chlywhite says:A ghost bike. | |
olivepix says:Amazing. We see a lot of skeletons like this in Toronto, sadly. | |
muich says:Great idea on this pic!! Love it!! | |
Shmoovio (Jarrett) says:That is unreasonably cool! Great find! | |
TruPhotog says:HAHA cool photo and scene :-) | |
aneye4apicture says:Someone with a a sense of humour and a few minutes to spare :) | |
mannü says:soooo funny!! :D | |
omalingue says:That's really great. | |
atanas says:You mean the dude who stole the wheels? | |
JLA Kliché says:Let's go to the "tour de France" ... | |
greenspandex says:hahah someone else took a photo of this and it landed it explore too!! | |
San Diego Shooter says:haha nice! this happened to me before...someone stole my front tire but left the bike. If you are going to take the effort, finish the job and take the whole thing! | |
Jazmin$Million says:Hi, I'm an admin for a group called *****CLIMATE CHANGE*****, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. | |
vfr_superfreak says:sorry but i dont see the magic anywhere | |
sleaziep says:More positive than the bike I came across last week. This was the lamest act of vengeance ever. | |
Public Education says:Art! | |
hdc. says:Genius! | |
ecchong says:You may wan to check out Ellis G. | |
mattsonster says:that was banksy. | |
XDViPeR says:Brooklyn ny? | |
Mike Seliske says:wow, you see the bike with no wheels all the time, but i have never seen anything like that. | |
xankriz says:Someone should fix that bike up. | |
mrwizard14 says:Clever. | |
CasaDeQueso says:love the chalk-drawn seat way in the background, too ... hahaha | |
Sheriff of Nothing says:Maybe he should've drawn a corpse chalkline around it..... | |
Jenny LA says:haha, this is classic! | |
m0dded says:yeah, those are all over portland, or. | |
showna says:awesome. | |
hive says:it was the thief who drew that, trying to cover her tracks | |
hive says:Hi, I'm an admin for a group called sadbikes, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. | |
Miles_78 says:hehe. | |
Jeniffita says:so original | |
ben.bibikov says:Creative thief. He steals the wheels and draws them on the pavement so that no one would notice. | |
videos de humor says:Eso es una obra de arte. Esos ladrones se merecen un premio y esto debería estar en una galería de arte moderno. | |
arcaderr says:look at the digg effect | |
Iangreen says:que increible la burla del tipo XD | |
Crystal Saybounkham says:that's exactly why you have to use a u-lock as well as cable locks woven through the spokes | |
linoeldelapuch says:se sale, jeje. Pero vaya putada | |
selyfriday says:awesome | |
paulx8 says:Nice work of art. | |
RobertFrancis says:This is awesome. Functional graffiti. | |
naiarais says:jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja | |
raithesoft says:One word... awesome. | |
Geoff Penn says:So do I !! | |
dudeinwrens says:That's hillarious.... Lol. |
it's the most cheapest ride that man can buy. no gasoline needed. hehe, sounds funny but i don't know how drive it.
you should learn it one day, it's an ease to use, just prepare your legs for cuts and bruises
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