Yes the bicycle has been used in countless movies and is considered a simple gadget, yet many people around the globe lived with it, travel with it and make a living with it.
Here are just a few reactions the supposedly death of a bicycle picture above generated.
| EricaHastings says:That's fantastic! Much better than drawing flowers round dog poo. |
| marphot |
| livhouse, the paronomeister™ |
| lkurnarsky |
| kerilu* says:hehe. very nice :) |
| yvoluna |
| MyArt101 |
| diamonddog1 says:Can he draw a wanted poster? |
| Rustybuckets |
| carlisledecorator |
| Pelipe |
| chlywhite |
| olivepix |
| muich |
| Shmoovio (Jarrett) |
| TruPhotog |
| aneye4apicture |
| mannü says:soooo funny!! :D |
| omalingue |
| atanas |
| JLA Kliché says:Let's go to the "tour de France" ... |
| greenspandex |
| San Diego Shooter |
| Jazmin$Million |
| vfr_superfreak says:sorry but i dont see the magic anywhere |
| sleaziep |
| Public Education says:Art! |
| hdc. |
| ecchong says:You may wan to check out Ellis G. |
| mattsonster |
| XDViPeR says:Brooklyn ny? |
| Mike Seliske says:wow, you see the bike with no wheels all the time, but i have never seen anything like that. |
| xankriz says:Someone should fix that bike up. |
| mrwizard14 says:Clever. |
| CasaDeQueso |
| Sheriff of Nothing |
| Jenny LA |
| m0dded says:yeah, those are all over portland, or. |
| showna |
| hive says:it was the thief who drew that, trying to cover her tracks |
| hive says:Hi, I'm an admin for a group called sadbikes, and we'd love to have your photo added to the group. |
| Miles_78 |
| Jeniffita says:so original |
| ben.bibikov |
| videos de humor says:Eso es una obra de arte. Esos ladrones se merecen un premio y esto debería estar en una galería de arte moderno. |
| arcaderr says:look at the digg effect |
| Iangreen says:que increible la burla del tipo XD |
| Crystal Saybounkham says:that's exactly why you have to use a u-lock as well as cable locks woven through the spokes |
| linoeldelapuch says:se sale, jeje. Pero vaya putada |
| selyfriday |
| paulx8 says:Nice work of art. |
| RobertFrancis |
| naiarais |
| raithesoft says:One word... awesome. |
| Geoff Penn |
| dudeinwrens says:That's hillarious.... Lol. |
it's the most cheapest ride that man can buy. no gasoline needed. hehe, sounds funny but i don't know how drive it.
you should learn it one day, it's an ease to use, just prepare your legs for cuts and bruises
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