Aston Martin in Bond COOLest Car!!!
The MI:6 agent has cooled others' heels yet again!! The Aston Martin with a James Bond label was voted as the coolest car in a survey conducted by Coolbrands. The automobile major beat other heavy weight brands like Apple's iPod, Google's YouTube...... Most of the top twenty were internet, games majors. Yet the car company surpassed all of them, probably because of the James Bond label and the success of Casino Royale. Aston Martin CEO Ulrich Gez said, "Our exciting, design-led programme of new models and unparalleled attention to detail has made a major impact in the world of international culture." . Well, to be very frank, OO7's label is enough to promote a brand to the topmost position....
Here's some from CNN
(CNN) -- James Bond's favorite car -- the Aston Martin -- has topped a list of the coolest brands in the UK thanks to its long-running association with the legendary super-spy.

Pierce Brosnan, the former James Bond actor, poses with the spy's classic Aston Martin.
The classic marque, which was bought by a British-based consortium from U.S. auto giant Ford earlier this year, featured prominently in last year's Daniel Craig-starring "Casino Royale," considered a return to form for the long-running franchise.
The Superbrands organization, which compiled the poll, said the film's success had rekindled Britons' love affair with Bond and showed "a deeply ingrained association with the man and the car."
Apple's iPod music player was second on the list, ahead of video Web site YouTube, hi-fi manufacturer Bang & Olufsen and search engine Google.
1. Aston Martin2. iPod
3. YouTube
4. Bang and Olufsen
5. Google
6. Playstation
7. Apple
8. Agent Provocateur
9. Nintendo
10. Virgin Atlantic
11. Ferrari
12. Ducati
13. eBay
14. Rolex
15. Tate Modern
16. Prada
17. Lamborghini
18. Green & Black's
19. iTunes
20. Amazon
Technology dominated the rest of the list with Apple, Playstation and Nintendo and Web brands iTunes and Amazon all included in the top 20.
Italian motoring trio Ferrari, Lamborghini and motorcycle maker Ducati were also included along with fashion label Prada, underwear firm Agent Provocateur, watchmaker Rolex and Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic airline.
Stephen Cheliotis, chairman of the CoolBrands Council, said the list reflected changing needs, wants and interests.
"You could argue that it's split into two pretty clearly defined categories -- on the one hand, things can become cool by virtue of their necessity or prevalence in your life, like Google, or Amazon.
"On the other, the things you really want, but may know you'll never get -- like a Rolex; or a Ferrari -- are considered just as cool.
"There seems to be a real divergence between aspiration and practicality but both are deemed cool -- which goes to show how the needs and desires of consumers are developing."
i always like Ducati for big bikes
hollywood men
If only I could drive one. Haha!
nice car eh! really expensive. .
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