Have we learned nothing from the movies? Just as predicted in
I, Robot and The Terminator, the human race is about to get its ass kicked by a bunch of robots. Case in point…Asimo, created by Honda Worldwide:
Looks kinda cute doesn’t it? 10 seconds after this picture was taken emergency crews were hosing that poor Asian girl’s guts off the walls and Asmio was miles away beating an idiot savant at chess while its built-in jet pack cooled down. Not really, but that is a scenario that is coming ever closer. Actually, I think 10 seconds after this photo was taken Asimo fell down, but this is an old photo. Asimo has had improvements since then.
Asimo was first developed back in 1986. At that point it was really nothing more than a toaster with two eyes drawn on it. Since then, Asimo has developed the ability to walk, run, talk, recognize faces and fall down less. And Asimo can now charge itself. When it “feels” like it is running low on human killing energy it can plug itself into a charger to refresh its batteries!
“The back is slightly modified so he can plug himself into a charger,” said William De Braekeleer of Honda Motor, Europe.
Brilliant design move Honda! Thank you for the unstoppable killing machine!
Honda Worldwide has actually built another Asimo and the two Asimos can work together as a team. The two Asimos put on an impressive demonstration a few days ago wherein they interacted with people by taking drink orders and then worked together to make the orders and deliver them back to their “customers.” This ability to interact will come in handy when they are replicating themselves for worldwide domination.

Cute robot. I wish to have one for a pal.
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how i wish too,, but i think i can't afford ASIMO it's too expensive.
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